Ward’s Island Halloween trick or treating

When you’re a condo kid in downtown Toronto, Halloween can be a little different from the norm. Some condos with a decent amount of kids let them trick or treat in the building, but many condo buildings don’t have many kids and thus no such plans exist. There are some downtown neighbourhoods with houses to knock on, but if deep in the core those are sometimes hard to come by.

One Halloween option for downtown kids is jumping on the ferry and heading out to Ward’s Island. Purchase your ticket online and head for the ferry docks at the foot of Bay Street. There are typically three ferries leaving downtown, so ensure you get the one for Ward’s Island.

(Yes, you can get to the ferry docks by transit: Queens Quay (Ferry Docks) station is across the street from the ferry docks – and is one underground streetcar stop from Union Station.)

Ward's Island ferry - Toronto

Ward's Island ferry in Toronto

Once on the Island, you’re a short walk from trick or treating. The best bet is to hit the houses that sit just east of the ferry drop-off (i.e., turn left when you get off the ferry). You’ll find rows of streets that are essentially sidewalks with lots of greenery. It’s trick or treating with no cars in sight!

Ward's Island houses

Ward's Island streets

Of note, it’s much more than what you would find in a typical neighbourhood. Some houses, yes, operate how you would figure: Knock on the door and get greeted with candy. All good! Others, however, make it a full party atmosphere in their yards: Groups of locals gathered outside having their own celebration of sorts – while the kids make their way around. All in all, it’s a very festive atmosphere.

Carved pumpkin on Ward's Island

Halloween decoration on Ward's Island

When does trick or treating on Ward’s Island start? The festivities are alive by 6pm, with some of the islanders ready for the kids before that.

Trick or treating on Ward's Island

Be sure check the return ferry schedule ahead of time so the kids don’t have to wait too long to get back home. For the neighbourhood mentioned above, the furthest house is around a 5 minute walk to the ferry dock.

Nighttime ferry home from Ward's Island - Toronto

Ward’s Island is a truly unique Halloween experience for the kids, thanks to the islanders – and the islanders seem to love it just as much. If you can get to the ferry easy enough, make this something to try for one Halloween with the kids.

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